Accounting services
Accounting services depend on the size and form of the company. We ensure that on a weekly, monthly
and annual basis, the necessary things get done correctly and on time.
We will put together a range of services tailored to what you need, what is useful and what supports
each other. The service is priced according to the amount of work involved.
- Day-to-day activities: management of purchase invoices, loading payments into the bank, recording
bank movements in the accounting software. - Payroll accounting
- Tax declaration (Salary taxes, VAT, intra-Community turnover, OSS).
- Accruals of expenses/income
- Fixed assets entries
- Recognition of investment property transactions (private, commercial and land)
- Loan and interest
- Monthly audited financial statements: balance sheet and profit and loss account
- Accounting of biological assets
- Recognition of transactions using the percentage of completion method
- Proportional VAT accounting
- Assistance in dealing with public authorities: the Tax and Customs Board, the Social Insurance Board,
the Statistics Office, the Health Insurance Fund, the Unemployment Insurance Fund